University of MinnesotaOverview
The University of Minnesota is a newest location for the Graduate Fellows program, starting the 2011-2012 school year. The Grad Fellows are being hosted by MacLaurinCSF, a Christian study center at the University of Minnesota. The group consists of graduate students and interested members of the community who meet on a regular basis to discuss issues of Christianity and environmental stewardship. Our University of Minnesota chapter includes graduate students from the Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences and the College of Biological Sciences. Meetings typically take place monthly at MacLaurinCSF. The group is coordinated by Ruth Pszwaro, who is the Program Coordinator at MacLaurinCSF. Contact
Ruth Pszwaro Program Coordinator, MacLaurinCSF 1337 Cleveland Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55108 [email protected] (612) 378-1935 |